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Crickets and Mole Crickets

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CRICKETS (orthopteran insects ; superfamily: Grylloidea)


The liquid ant killer 'Hormiguicida Manchester Líquido' has proven to be very effective in controlling this pest.

About Crickets:

Gryllus Argentinus (common cricket) is a harmful species of cricket that is 20 to 26 mm long and dark brown. The female has two fences (abdominal appendages) and an ovipositor while the male only the first ones. It produces sounds by rubbing its wings with which it attracts females.

Abundant in dry years and mild springs. The highest incidence (on the southern hemisphere) is from May to December.

It has nocturnal habits, going out in search of food. During the day it remains hidden among the stones or in damp and dark places.

MOLE CRICKETS (orthopteran insects ; family: Gryllotalpidae)

Either the liquid ant killer 'Hormiguicida Manchester Líquido' or the 'Derribante Total Manchester Líquido' can be used to combat this insect, by following the instructions of the corresponding tags.

About Mole Crickets:

Throughout their development they go through the egg, nymph and adult stage (incomplete metamorphosis). Morphologically they are characterized by having a large and globose head with short antennae. The first pair of wings, called tegmens, extend to the middle of the abdomen while the second one extends beyond the apex. The first pair of legs is digger.

They live in underground galleries that in winter go as deep as 50-60 cm. Adults make twilight flights, docking in spring in the galleries. The females, which do not have a visible ovipositor, build a gallery a few cm from the surface, where they oviposit from 50 to 450 eggs. At 20 days the nymphs that feed on organic substances in their first stage hatch, beginning to dig their own galleries from the second. They have 6 to 8 nymphal stages, spending the winter as a nymph of the last stage. The adult forms emerge in late summer, early fall. Some authors cite one generation per year while others indicate up to three.

In addition to feeding on roots while damaging them when making their galleries, they feed on small arthropods and worms.

They prefer sandy soils with organic matter and a certain degree of humidity.

To monitor the population, it is recommended to mark the damaged area in mid-autumn on a plan or map of the property, trying to be as accurate as possible. The females lay their eggs where they fed as nymphs the previous fall. Thus in spring an area is selected and it is seen if the young forms are appearing. For this you can use 30 cc of detergent, plus lemon essence in 5 liters of water, watering 1 m2 of grass. If nymphs emerge, it is recommended to wait two weeks for most to hatch and then apply the indicated product.

In Argentina the following species are found: Short-tailed cricket (Anurogryllus muticus), Tawny mole cricket (Neoscapteriscus vicinus), Gray mole cricket (Scapteriscus acletus), Jamaican field cricket (Gryllus assimilis).

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