Insect Killers 'Insecticida Manchester' and 'Insecticida Triunfo' are insecticides formulated based on pyrethroids, and the synergy of piperonyl butoxide with tumbling power, residual action, expulsion effect and repellency. They stand out for being slightly toxic for humans and animals, being very effective for the total control of insects that affect the health, hygiene and well-being of the home. They do not have solvent, they are water-based concentrates which makes them safer, they do not harm plants or flowers. They are products developed both for use indoors and outdoors. They control flies, mosquitoes, horseflies and wasps in the open air. They are also suitable for the control of cockroaches, bugs, bed bugs, gnats, ticks, fleas, caterpillars, etc. The solution can be distributed on lawns, fences, plants, patios, walls, sidewalks, barbecue areas, etc.
About flies
The fly is such a typical summer insect that it goes almost unnoticed, but it is one of the most dangerous transmitters of diseases such as cholera, typhus, trachoma, tuberculosis and the dysentery that costs so many children's lives every summer.
The fly goes from an egg to an adult state in less than ten days and can reproduce immediately. The female will lay a hundred eggs every ten days. With its great fecundity the number of flies would reach astronomical proportions if it were not combated.The body of the fly is covered in a compact tangle of fine hairs, similar to those that grow on its wings, legs and feet. The feet are topped by bearings bristling with viscous hairs that allow it to easily climb on slippery surfaces, but also through these sticky pads it collects and spreads millions of germs that can be deadly for man, since the fly lands with the Same greed for a heap of waste as for human food. The fly's mouth is made up of two soft lobes located at the end of the trunk. It lacks a chewing device, hence the fly must soften the food in order to extract the nutritional juice. To this end, it vomits a drop from its last digestion on food. Such drops of digestive juice mix with their excrement and give rise to those blackish spots that appear on the food where they have settled. It has been scientifically proven that up to five million bacteria can be found on the hairy surface of a fly's body, and that one house fly can infect an entire family.
This terrible threat is averted simply by initiating an active individual and collective campaign against these dangerous insects. Since a fly can migrate at distances of 21 kilometers, the collaboration of all the inhabitants of a place is required to combat it.
About mosquitoes:
The Culex Pipiens mosquito is the most common species, but there are others that transmit diseases such as malaria or yellow fever. Only females bite. Mosquitoes are equipped with "chemoreceptors", a combination of smell and a sense of the radar type, with which they capture heat waves and odors emanating from our body. Some recent studies indicate that the breath, or the amount of breathing, can be the cause of attraction. Certain mosquitoes can be attracted to large amounts of carbon dioxide breathed out by some people. Experiments were made on mannequins which were dressed and heated to human body temperature, but they were only attractive to mosquitoes when carbon dioxide was expelled from the heads at the rate of normal respiration.
The legs of the females have pads and hooks that allow them to hold on. In its trunk it has a high frequency drill that is shaped like a hollow tube. In this tube, lancets stimulate the flow of blood and a siphon device absorbs it. As soon as it pierces the skin, it injects a local anesthetic through the hollow needle in the tongue. This fluid at the same time thins the blood, preventing it from clotting in your suction system. Sometimes it draws three or four times its own weight in blood. In summer in just six generations, the 100 eggs laid by a female would transform into 31 billion offspring, if they were not attacked. Therefore, the fight against mosquitoes is not a luxury, but a necessity.