The Adhesive Rodent Traps 'Trampas Adhesivas para Roedores Manchester' will soon present an alternative method of killing rodents and other insects without the use of poisons. The glue does not contain any chemicals, therefore it does not harm children or pets. They are very easy to use, as they come ready for installation. You should only place the traps where the floor meets the wall in areas where rodents roam, that is, where there are signs such as hair, droppings or other damage.
About rats:
There are two main species of rats: the common or Norway brown rat (Rattus norvegicus horadadora), and the blackish rat (Rattus rattus), a climber, the latter fleeing if it feels threatened, the Norwegian rat, instead, attacks and bites.
Common rats usually build deep, spacious caves in the spring, usually near places where they can find food, and stay in them until the first frosts of autumn, after which they move into a building. These animals can leap up to a meter in height and climb over rough surfaces that provide good support. The black rat, on the other hand, is more agile and climbs the trunk of a tree, a hose, a cable and even a wall. It burrows in trees, under an eaves, or in lofts and dormers. They both eat everything they find.
Naturalists dedicated to the study of rats have determined that to know with a certain approximation how many rats there are in a house and their surroundings, the following rule should be taken into account: if you never see rats but sometimes their excrements, the probable thing is that their number is less than 100, and it is even possible that there is only one; If they are seen occasionally only at night, never during the day, there are probably between 100 and 500 if many are seen at night and several during the day, it is possible that the total number is between 1,000 and 5,000. This happens on farms where rats eat food, kill chickens and piglets. There are very few building materials that are resistant to rats. They pierce through wood, gnaw through most building materials, and can even penetrate aluminum.
Rats have been responsible, directly or indirectly, for the most terrible plagues that devastated humanity. Bubonic plague, once the most feared disease in the world, is transmitted through the bite of the common rat flea, but the real culprit of the disease is a bacillus, Pasteurella pestis, which once in the bloodstream , causes internal bleeding, headache, swollen lymph nodes, and high fevers. It is currently controlled but occasionally reappears in parts of Asia, Africa and South America. In recent times, a new threat has emerged, that of the hantavirus. This disease is transmitted by the southern long-tailed mouse, which only carries the virus and is not infected by it. The contagion occurs by breathing in the virus that is present in the excrement of the colilargo. The symptoms of the disease are similar to those of a flu: fever, tiredness, muscle aches, cough and vomiting, and it produces a serious alteration in oxygenation by affecting the lungs.
The extermination campaigns do not reduce the number of rats except temporarily, and even in the best conditions they never destroy more than 95% of the rats. The few that remain are multiplying very rapidly, and if the campaign is not continued, after nine months or a year there will be as many as before. The only effective campaign against rats is a campaign that never ends.